Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service - Home Safety advice during a Pandemic
• If you are having to use your home in a different way during a pandemic, thought should be
given to hazards that may be present with children around more than usual
• If you are having to work from home, please ensure you do not overload electrical sockets
and take care with electrical equipment
• Ensure you test your smoke alarms once a week
• Please ensure that all medicines are kept out of reach of children and stored in a safe place
• With so many people sharing a smaller space every day and cleaning more often to keep
your environment safe from viruses please ensure that all cleaning products, e.g. bleach,
washing tablets etc... are stored safely away from children
• Spending more time at home can limit the amount we move! Please be mindful of
everybody’s health and wellbeing and take regular breaks and exercise. Teach your children
an old-fashioned activity like Hopscotch
• Go outside and get fresh air when you can
• Take time out to have fun with your family, revisit board games
• Speak and check in with family & friends in other households online especially if someone
is living alone
• And most of all be mindful and kind to yourself taking time out when you need to.
For more fire safety information please go to: https://www.hantsfire.gov.uk/keeping-safe/
For information on community resilience visit: www.hampshireprepared.co.uk