Our Changing Climate - Information about the environment
for parents, carers and teachers:
The vast majority of scientists agree that increased carbon emissions into
the atmosphere are contributing to changes in our climate. These changes in
climate can impact on the type of weather patterns that we experience, for
example extremes of temperature and increased variability of weather, such as
more frequent heavy rainfall which can lead to flooding, storms and periods of
We can all do our bit to help reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere,
simple things like turning off lights; only boiling as much water as you need
when making a cup of tea; or walking or cycling for short journeys rather than
using a car. For more information on how you can reduce your impact on the
environment go to http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk
The Energy Saving Trust Foundation gives impartial, accurate and independent
advice to communities and households on how to reduce carbon emissions, how
to use water more sustainable and how to save money on energy bills.