Murph and Lydia came back along the beach, buckets brimming with
seashells. They were sorry to have missed the seal but were excited by
how many different shells they had found. They sorted them by size,
colour and type while Susie carefully lit the barbecue.
When the coals were hot Susie took the sausages and burgers out of
the cool box and placed them on the grill of the barbecue, making sure
they cooked evenly. They all sat inside the beach hut, in the cool, to eat
lunch. They all drank their drink and asked for seconds.
“You are thirsty fish today,” teased Susie.
After lunch Susie left the barbecue to completely cool down before
putting it away, while the children worked together to build the biggest
sand castle ever.
Just as Susie had promised, they had the chance to swim later, before
heading back home - wearing their Sun Safe T shirts of course.