Heatwave Safety and Community Resilience information for parents, carers and teachers:
1. Cover up in the sun or try to stay in the shade. ‘Slip, Slop, Slap – Slip on a shirt, Slop on
suncream Slap on a hat!’
2. Wildfires can be started easily in prolonged hot dry weather so be extra careful when having
BBQs and consider safety when having fires.
3. Food can spoil much quicker in warm weather so be careful and keep things in the fridge and
keep your house cool by opening windows and using blinds and curtains to shade rooms.
4. Think of and check on vulnerable family and neighbours that may be affected by the high
5. Ensure that animals (pets) and young children have access to plenty of drinking water. Never
leave children or pets in a vehicle even for short periods as they can dehydrate and become
affected by heat quickly.
6. Try to use less water when cooking and cleaning to preserve the drinking water supply from your
taps, use water wisely and consider installing water butts to harvest rain water.
7. When visiting the beach and water parks always consider safe play and take account of tides and
For more information on community resilience visit www.hampshireprepared.co.uk
and for information on weather forecasts http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast
and for more advice on water conservation and drought conditions